Anthony Davidson : 'A touch of British' at Peugeot

Anthony Davidson : 'A touch of British' at Peugeot

Intercontinental Le Mans Cup - Autosport 1000Km of Silverstone
What do Audi and Peugeot have in common apart from the fact that they are once again favourites for the 1000km of Silverstone and the first round of the inaugural Le Mans Intercontinental Cup? Both have one Briton in their ranks: Scotsman Allan McNish on the side of Germany, and Anthony Davidson for the French.

If the first car boasts one of the most prolific winners in the recent history of endurance racing (with two wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1998 and 2008), Le Mans victory is the number one objective of the second. "Both disciplines require a completely different approach to teamwork, a value which I am very attached," said Anthony Davidson. "When you are a test driver in Formula 1, you work very closely with the constructor, and in F1, when you are on track, all the time you want to be like your team-mate. Endurance is a truly collective work between a team who are all going in the same direction. "

Before joining Peugeot, Anthony Davidson was one of the pillars of the renaissance of Aston Martin in endurance racing with the DBR9 and the prototype with the Gulf colours. "Today, LM P1 corresponds exactly to what I want. The Peugeot is very good in the fast corners, which is why we always do a very good time. And it's very comfortable to drive cars like that, with lots of downforce. That combination best suits my style. "

Anthony Davidson began his remarkable 2010 season by winning the 12 Hours of Sebring. How do the rough concrete slabs of the Florida circuit compare with the 13 km long Le Mans 24h circuit: "Le Mans is actually more difficult than Sebring. What is really hard at Le Mans is to drive all night, and especially to manage the sleep deprivation that goes with it. "

With Nicolas Minassian, he is a favourite to win the Autosport 1000km of Silverstone race that is also the inaugural Intercontinental Le Mans Cup event. "The birth of the ILMC is an excellent thing, and I hope it can help an even wider recognition for endurance raceing," he enthused. "Also, I love the new portion of the circuit. It is both fluid and demanding. My best memory here is my victory in Formula Ford just ten years ago. And the worst is having to retire before the packed crowd at the 2007 F1 Grand Prix. "And so will his next best memory be at Silverstone on Sunday, with a victory at the wheel of the 908 HDi FAP ? ... "I hope so," he smiled.

Jean-Philippe Doret – Translated by Dave Davies

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